Get the Facts on Coronavirus

March 3, 2020

Before continuing my INVEST series with the next installment of INVESTING IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT, I want to ensure you are staying safe and healthy in your environment. This is especially relevant with the recent outbreak of Coronavirus. Several of you have been asking about COVID-19 and I wanted to address it with the FACTS taken directly from the CDC and WHO websites.

What is Coronavirus or COVID-19?

  • Coronavirus is a zoonotic virus meaning it is passed on from animals to humans
  • It is believed to have originated from an animal wet market in Wuhan, China
  • There is no evidence that pets at home can spread the virus but it is always a good idea to wash your hands after coming in contact with pets for common bacterial prevention
  • It is safe to receive packages from China

How is COVID-19 spread?

  • It spreads via respiratory droplets (think coughs/sneezes)
  • It spreads via person to person contact (within 6 feet)
  • It can remain for about a week on surfaces (known as fomites)
  • Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath
  • Those who are immunocompromised, the elderly, and the young are the most at risk and susceptible to falling severely ill

What is the best prevention?

  • WASH YOUR HANDS (soap and water or alcohol-based rub for at least 20 seconds. I always keep a travel size bottle attached to my bag and have an automatic soap dispenser in my home - linked these for you in my
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and discard
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Clean/wipe down all surfaces with disinfectant

Should you wear a mask?

  • Unless you are sick, NO
  • Save those for healthcare workers, caregivers, and people who are ACTUALLY SICK
  • The best thing you can do is WASH YOUR HANDS
  • Often the general public ends up touching their face MORE when they wear a mask to adjust it thus you are more likely to get sick because of this if you wear one

What if I think I have Coronavirus?

  • Don't panic
  • The CDC recommends being tested for coronavirus only if you have been in close contact with an infected individual or you have a recent travel history to an area where the virus is spreading
  • 80% of those with COVID-19 suffer from minor symptoms such as the common cold
  • 20% feel ill enough that they seek further medical care at an urgent care or hospital
  • Before you do anything, call your healthcare provider
  • Your doctor can provide you with advice on how to treat your symptoms
    • If your symptoms are mild, this can often be treated conservatively
    • If your symptoms are severe such that you are having breathing difficulty for example, you will likely be directed to a higher level of medical care

How else can you protect yourself from getting sick?

  • While coronavirus does not yet have a vaccine the flu does: GET YOUR FLU SHOT
  • Stay informed by visiting the CDC and WHO websites.

What about social stigma?

  • Fear and anxiety exacerbate unnecessary and undue prejudice, especially right now against those of Chinese and Asian-American descent
  • This virus does not discriminate and NEITHER SHOULD YOU - everyone is at risk for COVID-19 no matter their nationality (that being said, at this time there is little immediate risk of exposure in the United States)
  • Fight the stigma and use your energy instead to fight the disease
Thanks for coming to my TEDxTALK and please SHARE this post to inform others of the facts. Some of my favorite products mentioned above are linked in my

Read my disclaimer regarding medical information on this website.

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