Hi there and welcome to the #colesetters community!

My name's Alyssa. I'm just an east coast girl, living in a caffeinated world, took the midnight train going anywhere. Given my love for Starbucks, reading, traveling, fashion, food, and living healthy, I decided why not blog about it and get my creative juices going? It helps balance the left brain and all its logical thinking with the right, more artistic side. Oh, and one more thing - I am a doctor, sub-specialized in Cancer Rehabilitation, a field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. It's basically the best job in the world. Where else can you wear pajamas to work? Ok, ok scrubs are not PJs...or are they? JK, but seriously, it's great. If you're considering going into the healthcare field I hope my blog helps answer your questions.

Speaking of answering questions: What's this all about?

Well, with a degree in Classics and Biology, I believe that the arts and sciences are interdisciplinary. This inspired the name of my blog:

Vita has several meanings...

First, it is Latin for "life." This, in and of itself, is also a big part of my job as a physician: to treat lives, change lives, and save lives.

Second, the term "Vita" is also an abbreviation for Vitamin A. This is an important fat-soluble vitamin that is extremely versatile. Not only is it a powerful antioxidant, it is also helpful for night vision and can even be used to treat cancer. In addition, it is prescribed for several skin conditions and is the only FDA-approved topical treatment that has been proven to visibly reduce wrinkles. Amazing, right? My goal is to have a blog that is just as versatile, from style and beauty tips to healthy low-budget recipes and my experiences traveling and practicing medicine.

Third, the name was shortened from my previous pageant blog titled Vitamin Alyssa. It's a fun play on words.

I'm excited to take you on this journey with me through residency and beyond. Make sure to subscribe and follow to get your daily dose of vita!

xx Alyssa

Follow me on IG @doctor.cole

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