It's contagious

February 1, 2017

Let's start this first health post off right:

Give me a smile

That was easy! You only used 17 muscles.

Now, give me a frown

As adorable as it might look, all that stress and negativity is making you work even harder for that pout to form just right. It takes 43 muscles to frown. You could put that energy to better use doing crunches!

But for now, let's eliminate the negativity and stress in your life. Let's share a gift with someone else. A free gift. The best gift you can offer: that beautiful, wonderful smile. Be warned: it's contagious!

And with that, I challenge you to make eye contact and smile at the next person you see, whether it's  a friend, a stranger, a neighbor, a coworker, your mailman. I'm 99.9% sure they'll give you a smile back (unless they have facial paralysis/Bell's palsy...or a stroke. Then that might be difficult).

And here's my smile for you:

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