Shopping for Health

February 25, 2017

Ceramic tiles made by Lorraine Bauman Pottery Recently, a friend asked me to write a post about meal-planning and eating healthier. Since there is so much to say about this topic, I decided to break it up over the next few weeks. This first part is about the most important step in ensuring a balanced diet: shopping for the right foods. While exercise...

Looking Back

February 19, 2017

I wanted to write a post tonight but was having trouble deciding what to write about. I looked through some old files on my computer, pre-dating my life as a doctor and I found this self-reflection essay I wrote to my parents. It was the day after my medical school orientation. I had just arrived home from the long drive and they asked me how I felt. I thought...

10 Tips to Nail Your Med School Interview

February 16, 2017

An interview is the only chance for a school or program to really get to know you. Sure, they have your application and exam scores, they have your grades and personal statement, but you are more than ink on paper, you are more than numbers. As a very smart doctor once said: So here are 10 tips to help you nail that interview! 1. PRACTICE: Before any...

Love Is In The Hair

February 13, 2017

A few weeks ago a friend and I decided to hit up a nearby salon for a girls night out. It was the only place open late enough to accommodate our residency work hours. For some reason I had this crazy notion to relive my California days as a blonde. Maybe it was the cold New England winter making me crave that sun-kissed glow or maybe I wanted a new look for...

Meal Prep

February 12, 2017

Working on the hospital wards means a jam-packed schedule of seeing patients, rounding, didactics, admissions, and writing notes. You can become so pre-occupied and focused on patient care, you forget to eat. The Blogilates PIIT 28 Day Reset Challenge (found HERE) taught me how important it is to eat healthy on a consistent schedule. There is...

Galentine's Day

February 10, 2017

February is the month of love and what better way to celebrate than with your friends?! Thanks to Leslie Knope, we had our very own Galentine's Day complete with music, food, card-making, and a much needed catch-up session. Art projects are a great way to unwind outside of medicine. You learn how talented everyone is when you see their creativity....

Casual to Cocktails

February 9, 2017

Never underestimate the power of black, especially when it comes to the little black dress. It's slimming, strong, and sexy. You can dress it up with a bold necklace or dress it down with a jean jacket. Black is multi-purpose from casual outings to cocktail parties. It works for any season. You can't go wrong. Not to mention it's practically stain-proof! Look...

Pilates? I thought you said Pie and Lattes

February 8, 2017

People ask me how I find time to exercise while still working 13 hour shifts. It's not that I find time to workout. I make time. Exercise should be as second nature to you as eating and sleeping. Your body needs it to function well on a physical and emotional level. It helps with weight loss, muscle strengthening, depression, and insomnia. Plus it prevents...

Top 10 Things I wish I Knew Before Medical School

February 7, 2017

1. Getting into medical school is NOT the hard part. The hard part is getting through it. Medical school provides you with all the tools for becoming a capable, confident, and compassionate physician. It is up to you how you use them. 2. There are a LOT of exams. From weekly quizzes to monthly tests to quarterly clinical scenarios to yearly boards, you...


February 6, 2017

I have been obsessed with Stitchfix lately. It's like having your own personal stylist. My closet was feeling pretty drab with lots of blues, greys and blacks. I wanted to step outside my comfort zone and try something new. Unfortunately, it's hard to find something when you don't really know what you're looking for, just that you want something different. With Stitchfix, they...

Morning Ritual

February 5, 2017

If you're like me, you cherish that first sip of foam-filled caffeinated heaven that is the Holy Grail of morning rituals. However, if you, also like me, don't always have time for a Barista's tender love and care nor do you have an espresso machine or milk frother (why waste the money?), consider making your own! All you need is a well-sealed mason jar...

Sweet and Savory

February 4, 2017

Hands down, my favorite recipe (especially for parties - Superbowl anyone?) is also one of the simplest, classiest, and most versatile: the Crepe or, as the French would say, Crêpe (from the Latin term crispa meaning curled). It's basically a thin pancake but what it lacks in thickness it makes up for in utility. Crepes are very much...

Flirty, Free and Fearless

February 3, 2017

One of my favorite forms of art is dance. Not only is it a great way to stay in shape, it is also a great outlet for stress and a chance to be creative. My sister introduced me to a type of dance that challenges the body, takes you to the edge of your flexibility, and defies gravity: Pole Dancing. It sounds a little unorthodox at first, but after taking...
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